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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain

Trusted Nodes List

This library helps you retrieve and validate the list of trusted nodes for a given EBSI environment.


Using npm:

npm i --save @cef-ebsi/trusted-nodes-list

Using yarn:

yarn add @cef-ebsi/trusted-nodes-list


This library exposes 2 main functions: getTrustedNodesList (recommended) and getTrustedNodesListFromSources.


The function getTrustedNodesList will fetch the TNL JWTs from Bitbucket and GitLab — i.e. the default locations. Internally, it will pre-configure the 2 sources and pass them to getTrustedNodesListFromSources.

import { getTrustedNodesList } from "@cef-ebsi/trusted-nodes-list";

// The first parameter is the EBSI environment for which we want to retrieve a list of trusted nodes, e.g. "pilot
const trustedNodesList = await getTrustedNodesList("pilot");

// Optionally, you can pass a second parameter which may contain the Axios timeout (default: 30s) and whether Ajv should be used in verbose mode
const trustedNodesList = await getTrustedNodesList("pilot", {
timeout: 10_000, // Default: 30_000
verbose: true, // Default: false

// The result will look like this:

"chainId": 6179,
"environment": "pilot",
"id": "did:ebsi:ztMy7kLecXXvQwDzXYKLQ2j",
"nodes": [
"apis": "",
"country": "esp"
"apis": "",
"country": "mlt"
"apis": "",
"country": "esp"
"nodesTotal": 3,
"version": 1


The function getTrustedNodesListFromSources lets you use custom sources. It is not recommended to use it. Please prefer using the preconfigured getTrustedNodesList function instead.

However, if you still want to use custom sources from where to retrieve the TNL JWTs, you should create a custom source class extending the abstract Source class, and pass it to the getTrustedNodesListFromSources function.

You can find an example of such a custom source in ./tests/helpers/fs-source.ts.

Try it