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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain
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This API is being released as part of an upcoming version.

The upcoming version is not backward compatible with the current stable version. You can find the details of the upcoming release and affected endpoints in the change log. Please contact if this upcoming release might cause a high impact on either an ongoing development or a piloting demonstration.

Get a DID document

Last updated on


Returns the DID document corresponding to the DID.


Path Parameters
    did stringrequired

    A DID to be resolved. [conformance description] The API supports the following EBSI conformance tests:

    • A user wallet checks if the DID is correctly included in the DID Registry (CT ONBOARD_063)

    Example: did:ebsi:z24q8qN8UE1j4XAFiFKtvJbH

Query Parameters
    valid-at string

    This option is used to get a the version in the past of a DID document. It must be a date in ISO-8601 format


Success. A user wallet gets DID resolution (CT ONBOARD_063)

    @context object

    DID document @context

    string uri
    property name* any

    DID document as a JSON-LD document
