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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain
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Credential endpoint

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The client proceeds with the code flow by calling the Token Endpoint with the required details. The client_assertion JWT must be signed using the client's private key, with the corresponding public key available through the jwks_uri parameter or included in the Client Metadata provided during the pre-registration step.


    format stringrequired

    Possible values: [jwt_vc, jwt_vc_json]

    REQUIRED. Format in which the VCs should be issued. It MUST be "jwt_vc" or "jwt_vc_json". If not specified, the issuer default format is used.

    types string[]required

    Type to the credential being requested.

    The value MUST match the 'types' property in the request.

    proof objectrequired
    proof_type string

    Possible values: [jwt]

    JSON string denoting proof type.

    MUST be jwt

    jwt JWS

    A signature performed by a key that can be obtained by an identifier in verificationMethod.

    MUST be JWS. See Proof Object schema.



    format string

    Possible values: [jwt_vc, jwt_vc_json]

    JSON string denoting the credential format. It MUST be "jwt_vc" or "jwt_vc_json".

    credential string

    The value of the credential claim in the Credential Response MUST be a JSON string. Credentials of this format are already a sequence of base64url-encoded values separated by period characters and MUST NOT be re-encoded. MUST be present when acceptance_token is not returned.

    acceptance_token string

    A JSON string containing a security token subsequently used to obtain a Credential. MUST be present when credential is not returned.
